Google Wave--A New Online Communication Platform

Google wave is a new platform for personal communication and collaboration tool on the web. It’s a real-time communication platform Google wave announced by Google at the Google I/O developer conference on May 27, 2009. Google wave is a web based service, computing platform, and communications protocol.

It combines lots of interesting and essential service like email, instant messaging, wikis, web chat, social networking, and project management .You can bring a group of friends to discuss how your day has been or share files. The Google Wave code will be open source, Anyone can develop This program
The Key team members are two brothers, there Are Jens and Lars Rasmussen, and lead project manager Stephanie Hannon, Previously all of involved With Google Maps.
Lots of innovative features in Google wave. here are just a few:
--Real Time communication like msn or yahoo Chat

-- You can be embedded Waves on any blog or website.

-- Natural language tools autocorrect Your spelling mistake and auto Translate to 40 language.

-- its Open source, allowing the developers to develop its features As wish through extensions. so anyone can develop their own App. like face book

--Easy file Sharing system. Just Drag and drop your file inside the Google wave. Anyone access this File

--Wiki facility like WIKIPEDIA ,you can Write And edit article as your wish.

Google Wave will Come Last of This Year. but Google wave will be available for selected 100000 User on September 30 this year.if You Interested CLICK HERE and complete your registration and waiting for 30th sep 30.HURRY UP .


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